Aims & Objectives

To deliver foster care placements that provide looked after children and young people with stable and consistent positive life experiences in safe, warm and caring family environment which will in turn enhance and maximize future potential.

To promote a child centered approach throughout our practice and make the child’s welfare paramount in all our decisions.

To ensure careful matching of a child’s needs and wishes with the skills and qualities of the foster carer.

To recruit and retain foster carers from diverse backgrounds thus ensuring a choice of appropriate placement options for children and young people.

To promote the educational achievement of children and young people, thereby enabling them to attain their optimum potential and benefit from a range of educational and vocational opportunities.

To ensure the cultural and diversity needs of each child and young person are met.

To enable young people develop social interests, hobbies and take part in a range of activities.


To promote a healthy lifestyle and ensure that every child’s emotional and physical health needs are met.

To promote contact with the birth family and significant others during a placement.

To ensure that all foster carers have access to timely support, training and guidance from suitably qualified social workers.

To provide a responsive, supportive professional 24-hour service for foster carers, children/young people and purchasers.

To ensure the service’s policies and procedures are robust and are adhered to by both its staff and foster carers.

The key aim of Parent and Child Fostering Service Ltd is to provide high quality foster care placements in order to deliver the best possible outcomes for looked after children".