Our Services

At PACFS, we provide high-quality foster placements for children, young people, and parents with their babies.

Parent and Child Placements Sometimes, new parents need extra guidance and support to help them raise healthy, happy children—especially if they themselves did not experience a loving and nurturing childhood.

Parent and child foster carers open their homes to vulnerable mothers—sometimes fathers or both parents—providing them with the practical skills and emotional support needed to care for their child.

Placements can take place:

· Before the baby’s arrival, helping parents prepare for parenthood.
· After birth, offering hands-on support in the early stages of parenting.
· Later in the child’s life, if concerns arise about the parent’s ability to provide adequate care.

These placements play a crucial role in ensuring that parents gain the confidence, skills, and stability they need to build a brighter future for their child.

Due to the significant responsibility involved, the remuneration for carers in this placement type is higher than other foster placements.

Fostering can offer the necessary stability and support, for young expectant women who are either already in care or are unable to continue living at home and enter care with pregnancy as a factor. There is of huge benefit to both the parent and their baby because parental of the social learning which is carried out in a family environment. The young parent gains from the support and advice offered by the foster parent. This setting also enables some teenage parents to complete their schooling or develop the skills of parenting alongside employment.

Parent and child fostering can be very rewarding although can at times be complex and challenging. The foster carer therefore requires skills and qualities such as:

There is a growing need for more foster carers who are interested in looking after young, most often teenage parents and their babies/toddlers.

If you are interested in becoming a foster carer with us, we invite your expression of interest and look to welcome you on board. Please contact us.

For other services we provide, please click here.