Compliments, suggestions and complaints

Should you wish to raise a complaint, give us a compliment or make suggestions about our work, then we positively welcome your views and want to hear from you.

Our principles

We have procedures for making compliments, suggestions and complaints based on the following principles.
We will:

  • ensure open access to all procedures
  • adhere to The Fostering Network equal opportunities policy
  • carry out an impartial review of all complaints
  • require positive action on the part of PACFS senior management team and board of trustees in response to justified complaints
  • aim to resolve all complaints satisfactorily where possible
  • keep an open mind with regard to all suggestions
  • regard compliments, suggestions and complaints as a way of continuously improving our services.

Procedures for compliments, suggestions and complaints

1. To give a compliment

It is of enormous value for us to hear of any positive experiences that you have had whilst involved with PACFS. If you would like to pay us a compliment, please write to us at the office address or send us an email to . You can also send your compliments to the individual you have been in contact with.

2. To share a suggestion

Suggestions for how we might improve any aspect of our service are always welcome. If you have a suggestion for us, please contact our office (find contact details here) clearly stating your suggestion, which part of the service it relates to, and the benefits you believe the suggestion would offer to our members, to fostering, or to the organisation.

3. To make a complaint

A complaint is defined as ‘the expression of dissatisfaction concerning the service provided by PACFS or of the actions of an individual providing that service’.

We recognise that sometimes raising a concern may not be enough and that you may wish to take the matter through our complaints procedure.

How to make a complaint about The Fostering Network.

If you have any questions about our complaints procedure, please get in touch by emailing

or calling 0208 959 0414

Note on anonymity and confidentiality

While PACFS accepts complaints that are made in confidence, please note that this can make investigation of a complaint difficult.

If there is any indication that a complaint involves a child being at risk of harm, The Fostering Network will pass on the information to the statutory agencies.


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